Environmental Assessments


Unit 10, North Street Business Park,
Seatown West,
Swords, Co Dublin

Open Hours

Mon-Fri: 9am – 5pm

In conjunction with our strategic environmental partners, CWPA undertake detailed environmental assessments of the anticipated environmental effects associated with a wide variety of projects and developments. This includes screening for Appropriate Assessment (AA) and the preparation of Natura Impact Statements (NIS), the preparation of Environmental Impact Assessment Reports (EIAR) and Strategic Environmental Assessments (SEA).

Appropriate Assessment (AA) and Natura Impact Statements (NIS) under EU Habitats Directive

The obligation to undertake Appropriate Assessment (AA) derives from Articles 6 (3) and 6 (4) of the EU Habitats Directive (Directive 92/43/EEC). AA is a focused and detailed impact assessment of the implications of the plan or project, alone and in combination with other plans and projects, on the integrity of a Natura 2000 site in view of its conservation objectives. The analysis must be presented in a Natura Impact Statement (NIS) which is prepared following Appropriate Assessment as required under the Habitats Directive. The NIS presents information on the assessment and the process of collating data on a project and its potential significant impacts on Natura 2000 sites.

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Environmental Impact Assessment Report

The process of examining the anticipated environmental effects of a proposed project – from consideration of environmental aspects at design stage, through consultation and preparation of an Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR). 


Strategic Environmental Assessment

The SEA Directive, Directive 2001/42/EC, requires that environmental assessments are carried out in respect of certain plans and programmes which are likely to have significant effects on the environment. 


Reach Us

Unit 10, North Street Business Park,

Seatown West,

Swords, Co Dublin

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